Hello, I'm
Computer Science and Mathematics Student
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Software Engineer Intern @ RentVision
Candidate for
Bachelor of Science
I am a third-year undergraduate student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics on a Discrete Mathematics and Cryptography option. Within my Computer Science major, I am pursuing a focus area in Foundations of Computer Science. I am also minoring in Communication Studies and Asian Studies.
Outside of academics I am heavily involved with Speech and Debate both at the high school and collegiate level. I am an Assistant Public Forum Debate Coach for Lincoln Southwest High School where I previously competed, and was the 2022 Nebraska State Champion. Currently I debate in Lincoln Douglas Debate and Cross Examination Debate for Nebraska-Lincoln!
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DocDocs is a project that I helped build at Hack Midwest 2024. DocDocs provides innovative services for telehealth utilizing the Zoom Video SDK for the Web, Amazon S3, Amazon Transcribe, and Pinata APIs to provide AI-generated clinical notes from a patient-provider telehealth conversation. I worked on our backend, utilizing C# to interface with the Zoom Video SDK to retrieve a meeting's audio recording and shipping it to Amazon S3 where it will eventually be stored before getting sent off to Amazon Transcribe for transcription.
Lexi is my first ever hackathon project that I helped build at Hack Midwest 2023! Lexi is a foreign language learning application that utilizes OpenAI, Stable Diffusion, DeepL, and Pinata APIs to generate customized storybooks with pictures. I worked on our frontend, utilizing Bootstrap, to create an interactive and responsive web application. We won a $2,500 prize for best use of the Pinata API for IPFS.
Tiến Lên is a Vietnamese shedding card game. Check out the GitHub repository to see changes as I currently work on developing this project!
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